SelG1 cut episodes by 45 percent over a year in early research read on >
SelG1 cut episodes by 45 percent over a year in early research read on >
Study found those who suffered more brain damage were more likely to have seizures afterwards read on >
Synthetic product could save lives on battlefield and in remote areas, but much more study is needed read on >
Men more often resorted to violent means, while women turned to poisoning, drowning, study finds read on >
Only one area in South Miami Beach still considered an active zone for local transmission of the virus, officials say read on >
But post-op problems typically clear up over time, specialist says read on >
Study suggests, but can’t prove, that rodent allergens could play a role read on >
Docs recommend abstaining 4 weeks to aid in healing read on >
Small study found evidence of cortical thinning years later read on >
Cutting back on sweets helps, while exercising before meals may not, small study finds read on >