Fewer high school athletes are getting hurt playing sports, but those who do are more likely to suffer severe injuries that require surgery or a timeout from their chosen sport, new research shows. Which teens are most at risk? Those who participate in football, girls’ soccer and boys’ wrestling, the study authors found. Knee and…  read on >  read on >

A stick-on sensor may help keep people with heart failure out of the hospital, new research suggests. Investigators found that when doctors had actionable information about patients’ conditions, delivered remotely through this noninvasive device, it prompted them to adjust medications earlier and prevent complications from escalating. Patients with heart failure who used this device were…  read on >  read on >

Public health officials offered a lot of advice to prevent the spread of COVID-19 early in the pandemic, but some parents apparently tuned it out. About 1 in 4 misled others about their child’s COVID status, vaccination and related details, a nationwide survey found. “Like everyone else, parents worried about getting sick with COVID-19 or…  read on >  read on >