Evidence continues to mount that a specific strain of adenovirus could be implicated in a wave of American children who’ve developed acute hepatitis of unknown origin, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officials said Friday. “The evidence is accumulating that there’s a role for adenovirus, particularly adenovirus 41,” Dr. Jay Butler, the CDC’s deputy…  read on >  read on >

Anyone who’s tried to sleep on a hot summer night knows how hard it is to nod off when the mercury is rising. So it’s no surprise that global warming is likely to cost people more and more shut-eye as temperatures around the world rise. By the end of this century, individuals could be subjected…  read on >  read on >

Dementia risk factors appear to shift with age, and experts say knowing that could help people make lifestyle changes to reduce their chances of developing the disease. “Dementia is a complicated disease and risk prediction scores need to be tailored to the individual,” said Emer McGrath of the National University of Ireland Galway, lead author…  read on >  read on >

Giving antibiotics to a woman just before a cesarean delivery does not increase her baby’s risk of asthma or eczema, a new British study says. C-section is common, but can put new mothers at increased of infection, so they’re given preventative antibiotics. “Maternal infections, such as wound infection, can be a risk in the period…  read on >  read on >

A new report on how Black Americans are faring against cancer offers up a decidedly mixed picture. The risk that a Black man or woman in America will die from cancer has steadily declined over the last two decades, the newly published research found. Unfortunately, that risk still remains higher for Black Americans than for…  read on >  read on >