WEDNESDAY, Oct. 27 2021Midlife vision problems could increase women’s risk of depression, new research suggests. Rates of eye problems and depression rise during midlife, but knowledge about how vision affects depression at that time has been limited. The new study identified a significant link between impaired vision and development of depression. “Given that the combination…  read on >  read on >

High-dose radiation therapy may stall tumor growth in patients with advanced lung cancer who are not fully responding to drug therapies, a preliminary study suggests. The study involved patients whose lung cancer was considered “oligoprogressive.” That means the cancer had spread to other sites in the body, and the patients were having a mixed response…  read on >  read on >

One-third of Americans are struggling to make basic decisions due to ongoing stress about the pandemic, and younger adults and parents are having the most difficulty of all, a new survey reveals. “The pandemic has imposed a regimen of constant risk assessment upon many. Each day brings an onslaught of choices with an ever-changing context,…  read on >  read on >

Can offering small cash cards, say for $25, be the difference between someone choosing to get their COVID-19 vaccine or waiting? Yes, according to a study in North Carolina that offered $25 cash cards to people who got vaccines last spring at sites in four participating counties. About 9% of those surveyed after getting their…  read on >  read on >

Cataracts, a common eye disorder that often comes with age, may also be linked to a heightened risk of death from heart disease, new research shows. Experts stressed that the finding doesn’t mean that cataracts somehow cause heart trouble, and the study wasn’t designed to prove cause and effect. “A variety of medical conditions like…  read on >  read on >

Antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are a mainstay of depression treatment, but a new study warns that taking common painkillers alongside SSRIs may raise the chances for intestinal bleeding. In a review of 10 published studies involving 6,000 patients, researchers found that those taking SSRIs (such as Celexa, Paxil, Prozac and Zoloft) and…  read on >  read on >

Smokers who kick the habit before age 45 can nearly eliminate their excess risk of dying from lung or other cancers, a new study estimates. It’s well-established that after smokers quit, their risk of tobacco-related cancers drops substantially over time. Researchers said the new findings underscore the power of quitting as early as possible. Among…  read on >  read on >