TUESDAY, Feb. 23, 2021 (American Heart Association News) — It can begin with the occasional missed bill payment. An inability to remember names. Telling the same story repeatedly. There may be personality changes or mood swings. Confusion. Over time, it’s as if the person who once was slowly disappears. Dementia. As the population ages, a…  read on >  read on >

TUESDAY, Feb. 23, 2021 (American Heart Association News) — As identical twins who look alike, sound alike and even have the same mannerisms, Patricia Wood and Pamela Smith are used to people mistaking them for one another. Even before birth, their heartbeats were so perfectly synchronized that doctors didn’t realize there were two until the…  read on >  read on >

Many older Americans lack knowledge about antibiotics, with some admitting to using leftover medication, a new survey reveals. More than 2,200 adults, aged 50 to 80, were questioned. Nine out of 10 said they’re cautious about using antibiotics, and nearly that number knew that overuse of the drugs can lead to them becoming ineffective, according…  read on >  read on >

A steady sleep routine may do more than keep you well-rested: New research suggests that the more swings in your slumber schedule, the worse your mood and depression symptoms are likely to be. Researchers from Michigan Medicine followed the sleep patterns of interns in their first year of residency after medical school. That irregular sleep…  read on >  read on >

Researchers have identified more than 140,000 viruses that live in the human gut, including half that were previously unknown. The number and variety of viruses found in more than 28,000 gut microbiome samples gathered from different parts of the world are surprisingly high, according to the study authors. The researchers added that their findings will…  read on >  read on >