While multiple sclerosis can cause a wide swath of symptoms and challenges for anyone diagnosed with the autoimmune disease, a new study finds that race may play a role in disease severity. Researchers discovered that Black individuals with MS may be more severely affected by the disease, but also that this added impact persisted even…  read on >  read on >

Key immune system cells in folks who’ve had COVID-19 or the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are able to recognize and mount a defense against highly contagious coronavirus variants, new research shows. In both groups, CD4+ “helper” T-cells and CD8+ “killer” T-cells can recognize the Delta mutation and three other widespread variants of concern. That’s key…  read on >  read on >

While COVID-19 surged in India, so did the overuse or widespread misuse of antibiotics — risking a future threat of drug-resistant bacteria. Antibiotic sales soared during India’s first wave of COVID, suggesting the drugs were used to treat mild and moderate cases. That runs counter to guidelines for the medications. “Antibiotic resistance is one of…  read on >  read on >

Telehealth is increasing in popularity in the United States, partly due to the pandemic. But some children with autism have difficulty sitting through these virtual appointments. Yet those visits can be a helpful part of a child’s ongoing medical care, and their convenience may help limit time away from work and school, according to the…  read on >  read on >

Sunscreen isn’t just for pool gatherings and beach outings: Using sunscreen every day could reduce your risk of skin cancer, experts say. Daily use of at least an SPF 15 sunscreen can lower your risk of melanoma — the deadliest type of skin cancer — by 50%, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation. If you…  read on >  read on >