If you’re feeling tired at work, a “microbreak” could help restore your pep, a new study claims. Microbreaks are short, unplanned timeouts that include activities such as having a snack, chatting with a workmate, stretching or doing a crossword puzzle, the researchers explained. “A microbreak is, by definition, short,” said study co-author Sophia Cho, an…  read on >  read on >

Lab-created heart valves that grow with the recipient could spare kids born with heart defects from the repeated valve-replacement surgeries they now endure. University of Minnesota researchers found that lab-created valves implanted in young lambs for a year were capable of growing within the recipient. “This is a huge step forward in pediatric heart research,”…  read on >  read on >

Kids and teens are already struggling to learn outside the classroom during the pandemic, but lockdowns and quarantines are also making it hard for them to control their weight, child health experts say. Lost routines, economic insecurity and grief are making things more challenging for children who struggle with their weight, whether it’s with obesity…  read on >  read on >

If seasonal allergies get you down, try tackling them with a good spring cleaning. This can not only ease some of those spring symptoms, but also get rid of allergens you’ve been living with for a while, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI). “If you aren’t someone who regularly undertakes…  read on >  read on >

Diagnosing babies and toddlers with asthma is challenging, because it’s difficult to measure lung function in this young group. What makes diagnosis easier is knowing your child’s symptoms. A leading pediatrics group offers some tips for parents who suspect their infants or toddlers may have asthma or are having symptoms that could suggest another health…  read on >  read on >

A new study adds to mounting evidence that COVID patients have an added risk of stroke. Researchers analyzed data on more than 20,000 U.S. adults hospitalized with COVID-19 between January and November 2020. The analysis found that their risk of stroke was higher than for patients with other types of infections, including flu. “These findings…  read on >  read on >

The U.S. COVID-19 vaccination program is proceeding apace, with more than one-fifth of adult Americans having received at least one dose and eligibility opening up for everyone by May 1, under orders from President Joe Biden. That means the fully vaccinated now have one pressing question: What can I do now that I haven’t been…  read on >  read on >

At Eating Recovery Center, which offers treatment and services for people who have eating disorders, intensive outpatient and partial hospitalization programs were switched to virtual when the pandemic began. But that didn’t sit well with people who were working on their recovery. “Our patients said, ‘You can’t do this. This is not enough support for…  read on >  read on >