As the new coronavirus vaccine rollout gathers speed, elevators will likely become a flash point for businesses hoping to reopen offices while sticking to social distancing. And a new computer simulation suggests that the usual “first-come, first-served” elevator routine is neither safe nor practical. “Now that vaccines are within reach, many buildings are slated for…  read on >  read on >

Scientists may have discovered why cold sores caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV) are triggered by stress, illness and sunburn. The finding could lead to new ways to prevent recurring cold sores and herpes-related eye disease, U.S. and British researchers say. More than half of Americans are infected with herpes simplex virus. It is spread…  read on >  read on >

Older adults who get little sleep each night may be at heightened risk of dementia or earlier death, a new study suggests. Researchers found that among 2,600 older Americans, those who were deemed “short sleepers” — catching no more than five hours of sleep at night — were more likely to develop dementia or die…  read on >  read on >

Severe eye abnormalities have been found in the eyes of some COVID-19 patients, a new study out of France contends. The findings show the need for eye screening, as well as appropriate treatment and management of potentially serious eye problems in these patients, experts say. “We showed that a few patients with severe COVID-19 from…  read on >  read on >

“Prediabetes” — where blood sugar levels are high but not yet tipped over into full-blown diabetes — may pose a threat to brain health, new British research suggests. “As an observational study, it cannot prove higher blood sugar levels cause worsening brain health. However, we believe there is a potential connection that needs to be…  read on >  read on >