In a finding that should encourage scientists who are racing to develop coronavirus vaccines, a new study out of Iceland suggests that immunity to the disease may not be as fleeting as first thought. Among 30,000 Icelandic residents who were tested for antibodies to COVID-19, researchers discovered the antibodies stayed in people’s systems for at…  read on >

Christina Kosyla, a drama and yoga teacher in her late 20s, was about to take the trip of a lifetime when she felt a strange twinge in her shoulder. A co-worker also pointed out some slight swelling in Kosyla’s shoulder. Kosyla and her best friend were planning to hike the Camino De Santiago — a…  read on >

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced on Monday that it would extend its flexible free school meals program through the fall, to help keep millions of kids fed as the coronavirus pandemic continues to hold the country in its grip. The program, which allowed parents and caregivers to collect free meals for their kids…  read on >

Pregnant women are understandably worried about everything that goes into their bodies. But here’s one worry they can cross off that list: flu shots. A large, new study has confirmed that an expectant woman’s flu shot doesn’t increase the risk of autism in her child. And that’s true even if the vaccine is given during…  read on >

Cellphone activity could be used to monitor and predict spread of the new coronavirus, researchers say. They analyzed cellphone use in more than 2,700 U.S. counties between early January and early May to identify where the phones were used, including workplaces, homes, retail and grocery stores, parks and transit stations. Between 22,000 and 84,000 points…  read on >

New insight into how pregnant women can pass the Zika virus to their fetus could point to ways to prevent it, researchers say. Babies infected with Zika in the womb can have abnormally small heads (microcephaly) and other birth defects. In this study, researchers examined placenta samples collected from pregnant women during the peak of…  read on >

As the number of coronavirus cases in the United states passed the dubious milestone of 6 million on Sunday, a new report shows COVID-19 is now spreading at a faster rate in children and teenagers than among the general public. The troubling data, from the American Academy of Pediatrics, comes just as schools and universities…  read on >

Americans are generally well-versed about the use of masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19, although knowledge gaps about face coverings persist, a new HealthDay/Harris Poll reveals. About nine in 10 Americans said they are knowledgeable about mask-wearing and that they sometimes, often or always wear a mask when they leave their home and are…  read on >

Telemedicine might help people with stubbornly high blood pressure get their numbers down — and possibly lower their risk of heart disease and stroke in the long run, a new study suggests. Doctors already recommend that people with high blood pressure use a home monitor to track their numbers. But research suggests that home readings,…  read on >