Regular nut consumption can lower the risk of heart disease by up to 14 percent, says the American College of Cardiology. Nuts contain heart-healthy fats, protein, vitamins and minerals. The group reminds people that a complete heart-healthy diet should include fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, low-fat dairy, fish and nuts. But as one ounce of…  read on >

Fleas feed on the blood of people and your furry friends, says the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Flea infestation can be difficult to quash, so prevention is key, the agency says. To prevent, reduce or eliminate flea infestation, the EPA suggests: Check carpets, cushioned furniture and cracks and crevices daily. Steam clean carpets regularly. Pay…  read on >

Anxiety can cause or worsen sleeping problems, says the National Sleep Foundation. If disrupted sleep due to anxiety happens, the foundation says you may want to try a few simple strategies: Practice meditation. Focus on your breathing. Add exercise to your day. Regular exercisers tend to have better sleep. Practice a healthy bedtime routine. Write…  read on >

Turning to Facebook for help is probably the wrong move for depressed college students, new research shows. In a small study of 33 students who posted on Facebook about feelings of depression, not one was advised to reach out to a mental health professional for help. Rather, friends sent supportive and encouraging messages. “It makes…  read on >

Want to know how to avoid blood clots and varicose veins? One physician offers some tips on how to keep your blood vessels healthy. Arteries and veins are collectively known as the vascular system. Arteries transport oxygen and nutrient-rich blood throughout the body, while veins carry de-oxygenated, waste-filled blood back to the heart to be…  read on >

Sepsis kills more than twice as many people worldwide as once believed, and children in poor regions account for an excessive number of such deaths, researchers say. Sepsis is an out-of-control immune response to infection that harms organs. People who survive sepsis can have lifelong disabilities. In 2017, there were 48.9 million cases of sepsis…  read on >

Since the 1970s, serious heart disease among childhood cancer survivors had declined remarkably, a new study finds. The decline suggests that efforts to make cancer treatments, including radiation, less toxic are paying off, researchers say. For the study, researchers led by Dr. Daniel Mulrooney, from St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tenn., collected data…  read on >

If you want to slow down the aging process, it might not hurt to replace whole milk with skim, new research suggests. The study of over 5,800 U.S. adults found that those who regularly indulged in higher-fat milk had shorter telomeres in their cells — a sign of accelerated “biological aging.” The findings do not…  read on >

One of the simplest ways to maintain healthy vision is to protect your eyes from injury, says the American Academy of Ophthalmology. About 90 percent of eye injuries involve lack of protective eyewear. Whether you’re maintaining equipment or playing sports, wearing appropriate protective eyewear is very important, the doctor’s group says. Source: HealthDay