Remember when everyone was downing zinc supplements at the beginning of the pandemic, in hopes of guarding against a severe case of COVID-19? New research suggests that folks may have wasted their time and effort: Taking zinc, vitamin C or vitamin D supplements doesn’t lower one’s risk of dying from COVID-19. “A lot of people…  read on >  read on >

Construction workers may bring home more than the bacon — they may also be exposing their families to toxic metals, a new study reveals. Toxic contaminants unintentionally brought from the workplace into the home are a public health hazard, but the majority of research to date has focused on problems related to lead. Much less…  read on >  read on >

Joshua Akey admits he didn’t care much for dogs in his youth. “My wife, who grew up with dogs, convinced me that we should get a dog our first year in graduate school. I very begrudgingly agreed, and have been a dog person ever since,” said Akey, a professor with Princeton University’s Lewis-Sigler Institute for…  read on >  read on >

If want to get more out of your next flu shot or COVID-19 vaccination, an early study hints at a simple way: Take a long, brisk walk afterward. Researchers found that when people exercised moderately for 90 minutes right after either vaccination, their bodies produced more infection-fighting antibodies over the next month. The findings are…  read on >  read on >

Fracking has already raised the ire of environmentalists for its effects on the planet, but new research sends up another red flag: The wastewater produced by the complicated oil and gas drilling process is loaded with toxic and cancer-causing contaminants that threaten both people and wildlife. In fracking, water that contains a number of additives…  read on >  read on >

“Rogue antibodies” that seem to trigger severe blood clotting and illness in COVID-19 patients have been identified by scientists. Their analysis of blood samples from 244 patients hospitalized for COVID-19 revealed circulating antiphospholipid antibodies, which are autoantibodies that target a person’s own organs and systems. These autoantibodies are more common in people with autoimmune disorders,…  read on >  read on >

The national bird of the United States is facing a deadly threat from within: widespread lead poisoning, largely caused by ingesting fragments of hunters’ lead ammunition. The poisoning is slowing the population growth of both bald eagles, the nation’s symbol since 1782, and golden eagles, whose numbers also have been dwindling. Previous research has shown…  read on >  read on >

Young people with autism or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have a higher risk of dying early from a range of causes, a new research review suggests. Researchers found that before middle-age, people with autism face higher-than-average rates of death from both “natural” causes, like heart disease, and “unnatural” ones, including accidents and suicide. Meanwhile, unnatural causes…  read on >  read on >

COVID-19 can take a heavy toll on the body, but new research shows that patients are also 60% more likely to suffer lingering mental and emotional woes in the year following their infection. These problems included anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, opioid use disorder, illicit drug and alcohol use disorders, sleep disturbances, and problems thinking and…  read on >  read on >