As the new coronarvirus extends its reach, there are steps you can take to protect yourself and your family, experts say. “As with any respiratory virus, the main recommendations hold true with the novel coronavirus,” said Dr. Rachael Lee, a health care epidemiologist at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). “Wash your hands, cover…  read on >

Vaccines protect you and your family against a number of diseases, so it’s crucial to keep them updated, health experts say. “It’s important to review your vaccination records with your health care provider,” said Libby Richards, associate professor of nursing at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind. “Vaccinations aren’t just for kids. Adults need them,…  read on >

If you child has allergies or asthma, you need to take that into consideration when selecting a summer camp. “Parents and kids alike who are dealing with asthma or severe allergies need to know there’s a good fit and that the child’s medical needs are being met,” said Dr. J. Allen Meadows, president of the…  read on >

Rave online reviews about a hospital stay may not mean much about the actual medical care there, if a new study is any indication. Researchers found that across U.S. hospitals, patient-satisfaction scores were more dependent on “hospitality” factors — like friendly nurses, quiet rooms and good food — than on hard measures of health care…  read on >

THURSDAY, Feb. 27, 2020With U.S. health officials this week declaring a domestic outbreak of coronavirus a “not if, but when” situation, one expert in infectious illness offers guidance on how you can prepare and protect yourself. First of all, if you do develop symptoms such as fever, congestion and coughing, “it’s important to stay calm…  read on >

Given a choice, seagulls prefer food that’s been handled by humans, a new British study finds. This suggests that the birds may watch you when deciding what to scavenge, according to the researchers. “We wanted to find out if gulls are simply attracted by the sight of food, or if people’s actions can draw gulls’…  read on >

Female firefighters are exposed to chemicals that may be linked with breast and other types of cancer, researchers say. Compared to women working in offices, female firefighters in San Francisco are exposed to higher levels of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). These chemicals are used in firefighting foam and uniforms, grease- and water-resistant coatings and…  read on >

Too many patients who go to U.S. emergency rooms for dental problems are prescribed antibiotics and opioid painkillers, a new study claims. The findings show the need for continued efforts to combat both opioid abuse and overuse of antibiotics, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention researchers said. For the study, the investigators analyzed…  read on >