Surprisingly, we’re still on a learning curve when it comes to the availability of electronic health records, the digital way to access what used to be paper-only files. You have a legal right to records held by doctors, hospitals and other providers. But many people don’t know how to get them — or even that…  read on >

People struggling with anxiety, depression or other psychiatric problems shouldn’t pin their hopes on medical marijuana, a new review suggests. Dozens of studies involving more than 3,000 people did not provide compelling evidence that medical cannabis can help treat disorders of the mind, the review authors concluded. “Cannabinoids are often advocated as a treatment for…  read on >

Quality over quantity is an approach that can lead to a better sex life. Studies show that feeling satisfied with the sexual aspect of their relationship is more important to many people than how often they have sex. How can you start to enhance the quality of your sex life? You may be surprised to…  read on >

Conversations about sensitive topics can significantly strain relationships, says the American Psychological Association. In fact, about 27 percent of adults agree that the current political climate has caused strain between themselves and family members. To help manage political disagreements, the association encourages you to: Find areas where you agree with the other person. Be open…  read on >

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential elements that the body doesn’t make on its own, says the Cleveland Clinic. Fish, plants and supplements are among the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids. For people who don’t have a history of heart disease, two servings of fish per week is recommended. Research indicates that omega-3 fatty acids…  read on >

Air pollution often is a mixture of gases from man-made sources, such as smoke, vehicle exhaust and industrial emissions, says the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Air pollution can increase the risk of serious illness, from respiratory infections to lung cancer. To help protect yourself from air pollution, the agency suggests: Know when air quality is…  read on >

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, affecting about 31 million Americans, and is the leading cause of disability among adults. Known as OA, it causes pain and other symptoms in joints, which can affect the ability to do everyday tasks. There’s no known cure, but there are treatments that can relieve pain and…  read on >

Young and middle-aged adults with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have an increased risk of stroke, new research suggests. For the study, researchers analyzed medical data from more than 1 million veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. They ranged in age from 18 to 60 years and two-thirds were white. Of those, 29% had been…  read on >

A little bit of testosterone cream might help women run faster longer, a new study suggests. Some female athletes have naturally high testosterone levels that are similar to men, and there is controversy over whether it’s fair to allow them to compete against female athletes with normal testosterone levels. There’s a lack of clear evidence…  read on >

Universal gym etiquette includes steps like turning off your cellphone whenever you’re working out, being courteous when using shared equipment in the weight room, taking thoughtful steps such as not wearing heavy perfume, and wiping off your sweat after working out on a machine. But there are also good rules to follow whenever you walk…  read on >