Healthy kids do better in school — something parents need to think about as they prepare for a new academic year. “As a parent and grandparent, I know that back-to-school time is a busy time. Yet, I encourage parents and students to be mindful of some health essentials to add to your to-do lists,” said…  read on >

Your dog bounds heedlessly into a local lake or pond, playfully splashing in the water. But within minutes, your canine companion is staggering, drooling or suffering seizures. Left untreated, the dog will likely die. This fate has befallen a handful of pooches exposed to toxic algae blooms this year, experts say. “Blue-green algae is a…  read on >

Early to bed and early to rise? In its extreme form, this tendency is more common than previously believed, according to a new study. Going to sleep at 8 p.m. and waking up as early as 4 a.m. is called advanced sleep phase. It was believed to be rare, but this study concluded that it…  read on >

Bingeing on social media isn’t good for any teen, but new research has pinpointed three ways in which hours spent on Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and Facebook may harm the mental health of young girls in particular. “Almost all of the influence of social media on mental health could be explained by the three mechanisms examined…  read on >

School kids who get to bed early rather than staring at their devices at night may be better equipped to control their behavior, a new study suggests. Researchers found that 8- to 11-year-olds who got adequate sleep and had limits on “screen time” were less likely than their peers to report problems with impulsive behavior.…  read on >

Taking a vacation from social media and digital technology while you travel can cause withdrawal symptoms, but a small study suggests you’ll come to enjoy the offline experience. The British study included 24 people. During their travels to 17 countries and regions, most unplugged from technologies such as mobile phones, laptops, tablets, social media and…  read on >

Scheduled for surgery? Don’t forget to take your dentures out. According to a new report, one 72-year-old man who had abdominal surgery in England swallowed his dentures during the procedure. They got stuck in his throat — and were only discovered eight days later. The initial surgery was to remove a harmless lump in the…  read on >

A vaccine against the sexually transmitted disease chlamydia appears safe and potentially effective, an early trial suggests. The phase 1 study included 35 healthy women. Those who were given injections of two possible vaccines developed antibodies to the chlamydia bacteria, but a lot more testing is needed before the vaccine would be ready for the…  read on >

You don’t have to have the talent of a Rembrandt or Yo-Yo Ma to express creativity and get some very special benefits from doing so. Everyday creativity boosts well-being and can give you a stronger sense of purpose and engagement, and everyone can tap into it. So why don’t we do more of it? The…  read on >