Scientists have been cataloging bacteria and fungi inside the International Space Station (ISS), and they say their efforts will should keep astronauts safe and could also have benefits on Earth. The team analyzed samples collected from eight locations on the space station during three flights across 14 months. The samples came from the viewing window,…  read on >

U.S. health officials say they are investigating an outbreak of E. coli gastrointestinal illness that’s already affected 72 people across five Eastern states. The origin of the foodborne illnesses remains unknown, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said late Friday. “The investigation is still ongoing and a specific food item, grocery store, or…  read on >

Older black American women are much less likely to be treated for heart attack and heart disease than white and Hispanic women, researchers say. “Our study shows that black women still receive less recommended therapy for heart attacks and coronary heart disease than white women, and that improving these racial disparities is still needed,” said…  read on >

Medicaid expansion under “Obamacare” may have quickly translated into fewer heart disease deaths among middle-aged Americans, a new study suggests. In 2014, many U.S. states began expanding their Medicaid programs under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) — making more lower-income residents eligible for coverage. It’s known that those expanded programs reduced the ranks of the…  read on >

Breast cancer survivor Jessica Sidener is adamant that her illness brought real benefits to her life. “I am incredibly grateful for all of the hardships I’ve gone through in my young life, including my cancer journey,” said Sidener, 39, of Parker, Colo. “It makes you appreciate that life is short.” But Nancy Stordahl is just…  read on >

The risks of using voice-based technology in your car may be greater than you think. Many consider this technology safer than using their hands to operate devices while driving, but it’s not risk-free, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety warns. Mental distractions can last as long as 27 seconds after drivers use voice-assisted technology to…  read on >

Eating habits and physical activity have a greater impact on weight-loss surgery’s long-term success than measures like counting calories, a new study finds. Researchers also found that evaluation of patients’ mental health and eating habits before weight-loss (bariatric) surgery did not help predict who would be successful in keeping weight off years afterwards. “Bariatric surgery…  read on >

For many Americans, the cost of lifesaving insulin is simply too high, leading as many as one in four to ration the drug, experts testifying before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce said this week. The meeting focused primarily on defining the problem and exploring potential solutions, such as lowering the list prices of…  read on >

Spending too much time outdoors without protective sunscreen can take a toll on your skin. Unlike a thermal burn, sunburn may not be immediately noticeable. Symptoms usually start four hours after sun exposure and resolve within a week, says the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For minor sunburn, the CDC suggests: Treat pain…  read on >