While some gamble socially and others do it for a living, it’s a serious addiction for those who have an uncontrollable urge to keep going at the risk of losing everything. “In our brain, the centers involved with gambling addiction are the same centers involved with substance addiction,” said Dr. Asim Shah, professor and executive…  read on >  read on >

Anxiety disorder can make it hard to navigate life, but lately CBD has been touted as a natural treatment for the nerve-wracking condition. You can buy CBD almost anywhere — gas stations, spas, farmers markets and grocery stores. It comes in many forms — from gummies to tablets to tinctures to lozenges and patches. But…  read on >  read on >

Endless worry, irritability and insomnia are all symptoms of a possible anxiety disorder. Luckily, there are numerous anxiety medications that can help ease the condition. Joy Alonzo, a specialist in the pharmacotherapy of mental disorders at Texas A&M’s College of Pharmacy, said recently, “If you understand the different types of medication, then you can become…  read on >  read on >

E. coli bacteria are an infamous cause of food poisoning, but a new study suggests those same microbes lurking in meat may be behind nearly half a million cases of urinary tract infections (UTIs). UTIs are very common, affecting more than half of all women at least once in their lives. And the vast majority…  read on >  read on >

While losing a spouse can shorten anyone’s life, new Danish research suggests widowers may be far more vulnerable than widows. After six years spent tracking health outcomes among nearly 925,000 Danish seniors, investigators determined that when a man between the ages of 65 and 69 loses his wife he is 70% more likely to die…  read on >  read on >

Curated images of perfect bodies — often highly filtered and unrealistic — are common on TikTok, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. And a broad new review of 50 recent studies across 17 countries finds that relentless online exposure to largely unattainable physical ideals may be driving up the risk for eating disorders, particularly among young girls.…  read on >  read on >