A 35-ton shipment of hypoallergenic baby formula from Switzerland arrived in the United States on Sunday, the first delivery in what the Biden administration is calling “Operation Fly Formula” to deal with a nationwide shortage. The 132 pallets of formula arrived in Indianapolis on a military C-17 cargo plane from Germany, and will be fed…  read on >  read on >

A worrisome international outbreak of monkeypox, a less harmful cousin of the smallpox virus, has now reached the United States and Canada. As of Saturday, 92 confirmed cases of the illness, and 28 more suspected cases, have been reported across 12 countries, according to the World Health Organization. Between 1 and 5 confirmed cases are…  read on >  read on >

COVID-19 might be easing into a new status as a widely circulating and somewhat harsher version of the common cold, experts say — a virus that folks could contract repeatedly, even if they were recently infected. “[SARS-CoV-2] is destined to join four of its family members and become an endemic coronavirus that will repeatedly infect…  read on >  read on >