Life is challenging enough for teens and pre-teens with food allergies. But bullying often comes with the territory, making their situation worse. In a new study of more than 100 kids with food allergies, nearly one-third said they had been subject to some form of food allergy-related bullying. “We also found that only 12% of…  read on >  read on >

One of the strictest coronavirus vaccine mandates in the United States has been approved in Los Angeles. The city council on Wednesday voted 11-2 in favor of a measure that requires proof of full vaccination for all customers and staff at bars, restaurants, nail salons, spas, gyms, sports arenas, museums, indoor city facilities and other…  read on >  read on >

THURSDAY, Oct. 7Two new studies confirm that the immunity offered by two doses of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine drops off after about two months, although protection against severe disease, hospitalization and death holds strong. The reports, from Israel and Qatar, add to evidence that suggests even fully vaccinated people need to continue to guard against COVID-19…  read on >  read on >

A shift in thinking means it’s OK to skip your monthly breast self-exam — but don’t miss your regular professional checkup and diagnostic imaging, health experts say. A periodic visual check in a mirror can be helpful, breast health experts from the Cedars-Sinai health system in California suggest. “Beginning at age 40, women with an…  read on >  read on >

The Biden administration said Wednesday that it plans to purchase $1 billion worth of rapid, at-home coronavirus tests and take other actions to quadruple the number of tests available to Americans by December. By the end of the year, the number of at-home tests should increase to 200 million a month, according to the White…  read on >  read on >

While mammograms have reduced deaths by detecting breast cancers when they’re small and easier to treat, it’s less effective for women with dense breasts. However, a new study finds that supplemental MRI screening can make a difference for these women, who are more likely to develop breast cancer. And new technology is being used to…  read on >  read on >