Misinformation and medical mistrust are major drivers of vaccine hesitancy among U.S. Hispanics, new research shows. The researchers also found that protecting other family members is an important factor in convincing Hispanics to get vaccinated. The small study included 22 Hispanic mothers in Oregon and 24 of their children who were in grades 9 to…  read on >  read on >

From the fear of getting sick to lockdown isolation, the COVID-19 pandemic dramatically increased stress levels, and for many women, the uptick led to changes in their monthly periods. More than half of respondents to an online survey reported changes in their menstrual cycles during the pandemic, including differences in premenstrual symptoms and in the…  read on >  read on >

Black kids and Hispanic kids with cancer fare worse than their white counterparts, a large, nationwide study finds. “This study suggests that improving health insurance coverage and access to care for children, especially those with low [socioeconomic status], may reduce racial/ethnic survival disparities,” Jingxuan Zhao, an associate scientist at the American Cancer Society in Atlanta,…  read on >  read on >

Although the focus is on the COVID-19 vaccine, don’t forget to also get your flu shot — it’s important, an expert says. “In the United States, it is recommended that everyone over the age of 6 months be vaccinated against the flu, and there are many vaccines available that will fit your need based on…  read on >  read on >

A small fix might make reading a bit easier for kids with dyslexia, as well as their classmates: Increasing the amount of space between printed letters. That’s the finding of a small study that tested the effects of “extra-large” letter spacing on school children’s reading speed and accuracy. And it adds to a conflicting body…  read on >  read on >

Besides the long-established benefits of breastfeeding for baby and mom, a new study reports one more: Nursing could help chase the blues away. It is linked to a lower risk for postpartum depression — the so-called “baby blues” — and nursing for a longer time may further ease depression symptoms, according to the findings. “Women…  read on >  read on >