FRIDAY, Oct. 1, 2021 (HealthDay News) – Bullying by a brother or sister in childhood can have lasting effects, threatening mental health in the teen years, new British research suggests. Researchers found that mental health was affected whether one was the bully or the victim. “Of particular note was the finding that even those who…  read on >  read on >

Whether you’re a kid or a college student, you’ll learn more with interactive activities, discussions, movement and even AI-enhanced technologies than you will just sitting still and listening, a new study suggests. Learning methods that work best are hands-on, as well as what the researchers called “minds-on” and “hearts-on,” using emotional and social support, the…  read on >  read on >

The country’s leading health agency on Wednesday implored all Americans who are pregnant, breastfeeding or planning to become pregnant to get a coronavirus vaccine. COVID-19 poses a serious risk to women who are expecting, since they are vulnerable because of pregnancy’s dampening effect on their immune system, experts say. But less than one-third of pregnant…  read on >  read on >

Despite the troubling findings of a congressional report released earlier this year on toxins in baby foods, a new report finds even more manufacturers are selling baby foods that contain potentially unsafe levels of heavy metals. The toxins in question include dangerous levels of arsenic, lead, cadmium and mercury, among others. “No level of toxic…  read on >  read on >

Kids who are gay, bisexual or questioning their sexuality may be vulnerable to contemplating suicide at a tender age, a new U.S. government study finds. It has long been known that teenagers who are part of sexual minorities have a higher risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors, compared to their heterosexual peers. That includes kids…  read on >  read on >

Artificial intelligence (AI) might be able to spot the next virus to jump from animals to humans, Scottish researchers report. Identifying diseases before they become a threat to humans is challenging, because only a few of the nearly 2 million animal viruses can infect humans. By developing machine learning models, researchers can analyze genetic patterns…  read on >  read on >

In a survey of parents in metro Chicago, nearly half of Black parents (48%) said they were reluctant to have their kids vaccinated against COVID-19, researchers say. That’s significantly higher than the 33% of Hispanic parents and 26% of white parents who expressed vaccine hesitancy, the findings showed. “As vaccines are becoming available to younger…  read on >  read on >

Pregnant women who receive an epidural to ease their pain during labor aren’t any more likely than others to have kids with autism, two new studies show. Earlier research suggested this practice may increase autism risk in offspring, but the pair of studies should put this concern to rest for good, experts say. “Parents can…  read on >  read on >

Marijuana use by mothers-to-be may have increased by as much as one-quarter during the pandemic, a new study suggests. Researchers found a substantial increase in the number of women in Northern California using pot early in their pregnancies after the pandemic emerged compared to the previous year. “Our previous research has shown that the prevalence…  read on >  read on >