COVID-19 outbreaks among unvaccinated NFL players could result in forfeited games and loss of pay, the league announced Thursday. The policy sends a strong message about COVID-19 vaccines and is likely to be followed by others in the United States, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious diseases expert, told CBS News. The NFL has…  read on >  read on >

If you’re hitting the road with your infant this summer, you need to ensure your child’s safety and comfort, a pediatric expert says. First, check your car safety seat to make sure it’s installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. It needs to be rear-facing and at the correct angle to prevent your infant’s head from…  read on >  read on >

Before you sign your young pitcher up to play baseball in multiple leagues, familiarize yourself with guidelines that can protect them against overuse injuries. Sound obvious? A new survey shows it isn’t, because most parents have no idea what those guidelines are. Players under age 18 are pitching more and more frequently, often for several…  read on >  read on >

Youth who identify as LGBTQ+ suffer more bullying at their schools when they live in areas with politically conservative voting records, a new study finds. School boards should do more to implement policies that go beyond minimum protections for LGBTQ+ youth, regardless of political affiliation, the researchers suggested. “To my knowledge, nobody has really looked…  read on >  read on >

Thinking of starting a family? Start getting your heart in shape. New research suggests that how healthy a woman’s heart is before conception affects outcomes in her pregnancy. Study author Dr. Sadiya Khan said the findings make a case for more comprehensive heart assessments prior to pregnancy rather than focusing on isolated individual risk factors,…  read on >  read on >

Coffee delivers the boost that many people need to start their day. Now, new research suggests this breakfast powerhouse may also provide some protection against COVID-19. Consuming vegetables and having been breastfed might also reduce your COVID-19 risk, according to the new study from Northwestern University in Chicago. Conversely, processed meats may increase your susceptibility…  read on >  read on >