In a sign that the coronavirus pandemic is cutting short the lives of Americans, a new government report finds that average life expectancy in the United States took a drastic plunge during the first half of 2020, particularly among Black and Hispanic people. Overall U.S. life expectancy dropped to 77.8 years, down one full year…  read on >  read on >

The growth patterns of kids born through fertility treatment differ initially from those conceived naturally, but those growth rates do catch up over time, a new study finds. In-vitro fertilization and other forms of “assisted reproductive technology” (ART) has long been associated with lower birth weights in babies, but it wasn’t clear how long differences…  read on >  read on >

As the new coronavirus vaccine rollout gathers speed, elevators will likely become a flash point for businesses hoping to reopen offices while sticking to social distancing. And a new computer simulation suggests that the usual “first-come, first-served” elevator routine is neither safe nor practical. “Now that vaccines are within reach, many buildings are slated for…  read on >  read on >

Seeing mountain gorillas in the wild might be the moment of a lifetime that you want to capture with a selfie, but think twice before removing your face mask for the shot. While everyone knows mask-wearing curbs the spread of COVID-19 among humans, wearing masks might also help prevent transmission to other primates. But scientists…  read on >  read on >