As coronavirus continues to spread, pregnant women may be especially anxious. But a University of California, Los Angeles expert says there’s no reason to panic. While expectant mothers are at higher risk for developing complications from some respiratory viruses because they have a weakened immune system, they need not be overly concerned about coronavirus, according…  read on >

Suicidal thoughts have haunted nearly one of every 10 pre-teens in the United States, a new study reveals. About 8.4% of children aged 9 or 10 said they’d temporarily or regularly harbored thoughts of suicide, researchers report. Importantly, only around 1% of children that age reported a suicide attempt or planning their suicide. But suicidal…  read on >

YouTube is awash in misleading videos touting the safety of tobacco and vaping, a new study finds. Researchers found that from 2013 to 2019, views of smoking-themed YouTube videos dramatically increased, particularly those with instructions on vaping. “The easy access of such material suggests that YouTube is a fertile environment for the promotion of tobacco…  read on >

As coronavirus continues to spread across America, people in some areas are quarantined. Conferences, sporting events and travel plans are being called off, while hand sanitizer and toilet paper is flying off the shelves. Short of finding a well-stocked bunker, how can you learn to live with this new normal? An important key to living…  read on >

Chronic pain can keep kids from being social and active, leading to anxiety and depression, a child psychiatrist says. Unfortunately, this can turn into a vicious cycle — worsening depression and anxiety can also worsen pain perception. Between 5% and 20% of children live with chronic pain. It usually takes the form of bone and…  read on >

Infants with chronic serious sleep problems may be at increased risk for anxiety and emotional disorders later in childhood, according to a new study from Australia. “Persistent disturbed sleep during infancy may be an early indicator of a child’s heightened susceptibility to later mental health difficulties — in particular, anxiety problems,” said researcher Fallon Cook…  read on >

Taller and thinner girls are more likely to develop the often painful condition known as endometriosis, according to the results of a six-decade study. The findings could lead to earlier detection and treatment of the common gynecological disease, the researchers said. In endometriosis, tissue that looks and acts like the lining of the uterus grows…  read on >