Suicidal behavior is declining among U.S. teenagers who identify as LGBT, but the problem remains pervasive. That’s the conclusion of two new studies that tracked trends among U.S. teenagers over the past couple of decades. Over the years, more kids have been identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) — and their likelihood of…  read on >

A 60-year-old man living in Wuhan, China, has become the first American citizen to die from the new coronavirus that first surfaced in the Chinese city. The man, whose name has not been disclosed, died Thursday at Jinyintian Hospital in Wuhan, the U.S. Embassy in China said Saturday. According to the Washington Post, the embassy…  read on >

Folks fretting about the coronavirus are forgetting there’s another virus already running rampant in the United States, one that’s killed nearly 20 times as many people in this country alone. Influenza has already taken the lives of 10,000 Americans this season, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. At least 19 million…  read on >

During the late teens and early 20s, young people may booze it up a lot, but they eventually dial it back, right? A new study study confirms that drinking rates do tend to decrease after college age. But on an individual level, it all depends on various factors such as the drinker’s social networks and…  read on >

Teaching parents how to talk to their babies could help boost their children’s language development, researchers say. The University of Washington study didn’t look at so-called baby talk, which typically consists of silly sounds and nonsense words. Instead, the researchers focused on what’s called parentese. This is proper speech with elongated vowels and exaggerated tones…  read on >