People taking antiretroviral therapy to treat HIV who have low but detectable virus levels have almost zero risk of transmitting the virus to others, according to a new research review. Researchers looked at eight studies of more than 7,700 couples in which one person was HIV positive and the other was not. The studies were…  read on >  read on >

When it comes to pregnancy and caffeinated drinks, less is best, says an expert, warning women to avoid energy drinks in particular. “Energy drinks contain varying amounts of caffeine, so check nutrition labels to understand how much caffeine and other ingredients they contain,” Dr. David Nelson said in a news release from University of Texas…  read on >  read on >

(HealthDay News) – In the two decades since the opioid epidemic took off, the addiction crisis has claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans. Now, new research points to another grim outgrowth of the crisis on American health: a skyrocketing risk in pregnant women for hepatitis infection (HCV). That’s because the main risk…  read on >  read on >

Close to one-fifth of kids with COVID-19 may still have lingering symptoms months after their initial infection, new research finds. The review, of 31 international studies, found that over 16% of children and teenagers with COVID had problems such as sore throat, persistent fevers, fatigue and muscle weakness at least three months later. Experts said…  read on >  read on >

It’s not only a mother’s mental health that is tied to the risk for preterm birth — the father’s matters, too. New research found that the risk of premature birth was higher for infants whose mothers or fathers had a psychiatric diagnosis than for those whose parents did not. Researchers from the Karolinska Institute in…  read on >  read on >

Competitive sports can be a lot of fun for kids and teens, but starting a new season requires some planning. Nemours TeensHealth offers some suggestions for kids and teens who are taking up a new sport or beginning a new season. Start by getting into shape. That will make it easier when you begin your…  read on >  read on >

In the world of COVID-19 infections, the majority of patients develop symptoms, while about one-fifth mysteriously don’t develop a cough, sore throat or other tell-tale signs of illness. Now, new research finds that these symptom-free super-dodgers are more than twice as likely as others to carry a genetic mutation that seems to obliterate COVID-19. “The…  read on >  read on >

The United States now has had eight reported cases of malaria, seven of them in Florida, state health officials reported Tuesday. Considered a public health emergency, these cases are the first in two decades to be acquired within this country’s borders, not reported by someone who had traveled elsewhere, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control…  read on >  read on >