All vitamins are important, but vitamin C has many health benefits. read on >
All vitamins are important, but vitamin C has many health benefits. read on >
Pregnant women can experience a multitude of new symptoms while pregnant. Don’t worry, you are not alone. read on >
You love those wet kisses from your pup, but is it safe? read on >
Think twice before you use a grocery cart. Read how to protect yourself. read on >
Good news, your daily activities just might pass for exercise! Are yours on the list? read on >
Make exercise an adventure with the kids, take them on neighborhood walks. read on >
Many of your household products can make you sick, read on to find out. read on >
A moment on the lips is a lifetime on the hips! Use the Foxy Food File to be stocked up like a pro. read on >
For years Doctors and Health Officials have been telling us to eat fish because of the health benefits associated with it. Fish and other varieties of seafood are rich in Omega-3’s, is high in protein and low in fat. Fish and the vitamin supplement fish oil have proven in studies to lower the risk of… read on >
When we hear about terrifying illnesses like the Swine Flu or SARS, we automatically go into what I call “germ-mode.” That means constant scrubbing of hands with anti-bacterial soap, wiping of counters and workspaces with products that “kill germs,” and let’s not forget the use of Purell, or Purell-like products. We do anything we can… read on >