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Want to thrive in tough, stressful times? Stay playful. That’s the take-home message from a new study of who fared best, in terms of mental resiliency, during the COVID-19 pandemic. The researchers said the findings have relevance to weathering any sort of trying times. “Playful” people differ from others in that they display “greater optimism…  read on >  read on >

About 93% of people worldwide who struggle with mental health or substance abuse issues aren’t getting adequate care, a new report finds. In many cases, people affected by mental illness do not recognize that they have a diagnosable condition, the Canadian research team found.  But even when diagnoses are made, treatment is often lacking.  Men…  read on >  read on >

More than 800,000 U.S. children have what’s called “high threshold” peanut allergy, meaning they can tolerate about half a peanut daily before symptoms arise. New research suggests that exposing these kids to tiny but gradually increasing levels of store-bought peanut butter might help ease the allergy for good.  “Our study results suggest a safe, inexpensive…  read on >  read on >

When and what you eat might play a role in maintaining good mental health, a new study suggests. Researchers in China found that folks with heart disease were more likely to keep depression at bay if they ate a big, calorie-rich breakfast.  There’s evidence that heart disease patients “are more likely to develop depression when…  read on >  read on >

Yes, rare cases of vision issues have arisen in people taking popular GLP-1 weight loss drugs, but the jury’s out on whether the medications caused the eye trouble, according to a new small study. The study reviewed the cases of nine people who developed sight-robbing issues, such as dysfunction in blood vessels around the eye’s…  read on >  read on >

Appalachia has a rich history and gorgeous landscapes, but it has also experienced rates of cancer incidence and death that outstrip those of much of the rest of America. However, new data offer hope to the 26 million people living in the region: Cancer rates are falling, although not as steeply as elsewhere in America.…  read on >  read on >