All Sauce from Weekly Sauce:

While scientists still don’t know what causes Parkinson’s disease, new research shows an association between a drug that some men take for an enlarged prostate condition and a reduced risk of developing the illness. A team led by scientists at the University of Iowa, working in collaboration with researchers in Denmark and China, found that…  read on >  read on >

Livestock workers have an elevated risk of getting infected with dangerous, antibiotic-resistant “superbug” bacteria, a new study shows. Researchers from Michigan State University expected that finding when studying those risks by reviewing 15 years of published literature. They just didn’t expect the risks to be as high as what their research uncovered. “This is a…  read on >  read on >

The microbes on your toothbrush mostly come from your mouth — not your toilet — and provide insight into your oral health, researchers say. Their study was inspired by people’s concerns that flushing a toilet might create a cloud of aerosol particles that end up on toothbrushes and other bathroom surfaces. The researchers asked people…  read on >  read on >