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As Hurricane Isaias moved toward the east coast of Florida on Friday, one expert warns that the coronavirus pandemic could make preparing for an active hurricane season even more challenging. The average hurricane season has about 12 named storms, but up to 20 storms are being predicted this season, according to Marshall Shepherd, director of…  read on >

A new study explains how the coronavirus hitches a ride on droplets released when you cough, sneeze, talk or speak, and travels around a room. The University of Minnesota scientists hope their work will help schools and businesses take steps to reduce the chance of COVID-19 transmission as they reopen. For the study, they created…  read on >

As the number of U.S. coronavirus cases passed 4.5 million on Thursday, some of America’s top public health officials will return to Congress for another round of questioning on the federal government’s handling of the pandemic. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, will testify Friday in front of the House’s special select…  read on >

As COVID-19 infections surge across the United States, 11 states could find themselves with too few doctors to treat non-COVID patients in intensive care units, a new report finds. Arizona and Texas already have a shortage of such doctors, the researchers added. “This week’s update shows that Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, Oklahoma,…  read on >

Telemedicine has exploded during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the United States on track to log more than 1 billion virtual doctor visits by the end of 2020, experts say. But how important will telemedicine remain to U.S. health care after the pandemic becomes just a bad memory? These sort of technology-based visits are expected to…  read on >

Although scientists haven’t nailed down how the new coronavirus jumped to humans, a new study confirms mosquitoes aren’t to blame — and you won’t get COVID-19 from a mosquito bite. “While the World Health Organization has definitively stated that mosquitoes cannot transmit the virus, our study is the first to provide conclusive data supporting the…  read on >

All the parents who force their children to play an instrument because it has been touted as a way to boost overall intelligence, take note. New research now suggests that it may not help develop memory, math, reading and writing skills after all. Earlier studies trying to pinpoint the value of music training on cognitive…  read on >

With everyday life turned upside down, efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 are taking a toll on the well-being and health of American families, a new poll reveals. More than 1,000 parents nationwide were surveyed in early June. “Without question, COVID-19 had a sudden and profound effect on families nationwide,” said survey leader Dr.…  read on >

Coronavirus outbreaks throughout the Sun Belt started to show signs of leveling off on Tuesday, but the nation’s top infectious disease expert warned that COVID-19 cases are now on the rise in the Midwest. “We just can’t afford, yet again, another surge,” Dr. Anthony Fauci said Tuesday, as the country reported more than 1,000 coronavirus…  read on >