All Sauce from Weekly Sauce:

The lifesaving benefits of strict social distancing rules during the coronavirus pandemic far outweigh their projected harm to the U.S. economy, a new report claims. “Our benefit-cost analysis shows that the extensive social distancing measures being adopted in the U.S. likely do not constitute an overreaction,” said lead author Linda Thunstrom, an assistant professor of…  read on >

Having your baby in a hospital is the still the safest choice, even during the coronavirus pandemic, updated guidelines from a leading pediatricians’ group say. “We recognize that women have different reasons for planning a home delivery, such as cultural or religious beliefs — and right now, concerns over the coronavirus pandemic,” guideline author Dr.…  read on >

Despite increased demand for inhalers in some parts of the United States, Americans with asthma shouldn’t ration their medications during the coronavirus pandemic, the American Lung Association says. Rescue inhalers are in short supply in some areas because hospitals are giving albuterol to COVID-19 patients with severe symptoms to help them breathe, the group explained.…  read on >

Beware of your fridge, pantry and couch during the coronavirus pandemic. Being cooped up at home with easy access to food can lead to overeating. Couple that with routine housekeeping, working from home, homeschooling your kids and tending to loved ones, and it’s a sure-fire recipe for weight gain, experts at the University of Georgia…  read on >

Today’s youngsters are as socially skilled as previous generations, despite concerns about their heavy use of technology, like smartphones and social media, new research shows. The researchers compared teacher and parent evaluations of more than 19,000 U.S. children who started kindergarten in 1998 — six years before Facebook appeared — with more than 13,000 who…  read on >

Guidelines for the prioritization and treatment of breast cancer patients during the coronavirus pandemic have been released by a group of U.S. medical organizations. “As hospital resources and staff become limited, it is vital to define which breast cancer patients require urgent care and which can have delayed or alternative treatment without changing survival or…  read on >

Few think of the toilet as a font of valuable information, outside what you might read while you’re sitting on the throne. But a “smart toilet” is being developed that will help track your health by analyzing your excretions, researchers say. The toilet would be fitted with technology that can detect a range of disease…  read on >

(HealthDay News) — President Donald Trump announced new federal guidelines on Thursday that governors can use to re-open their states amid the coronavirus pandemic. The national plan lays out three phases that slowly return life to a “new normal” that continues to use some of the most fundamental aspects of social distancing. “We are not…  read on >

“Am I going to die?” It was 11 days since Dr. Vijay Battu’s first symptoms, and four days since his admission as a patient to Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. And now the ravages of COVID-19 had begun to make breathing nearly impossible. “I asked because I was scared,” recalled Battu. “It was…  read on >