All Sauce from Weekly Sauce:

Facial wrinkles can be caused by aging, smoking and sun damage, says Cleveland Clinic. Though there are treatment options for wrinkles, it’s best to prevent them before they develop. Cleveland Clinic mentions these ways to prevent wrinkles: Apply sunscreen every day as part of your morning routine. Avoid products that are harsh on the skin.…  read on >

It’s hard not to worry when your child suffers from the flu, but pediatricians say too many parents are taking their sick kids to the emergency room when a doctor’s visit would suffice. “We are seeing a jump in the number of patients coming to our emergency department for flu-like symptoms,” said Dr. Michele Walsh,…  read on >

You can enjoy guilt-free holiday desserts by making some simple ingredient changes, a nutrition expert says. “I succeeded in making a healthier cheesecake that was a rich and creamy dessert that pleased even the most discerning taste buds,” said registered dietitian Libby Mills, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “Making some substitutions…  read on >

A special dye that’s injected at the time of vaccination could become an alternative to paper or electronic vaccination records, researchers report. “In areas where paper vaccination cards are often lost or do not exist at all, and electronic databases are unheard of, this technology could enable the rapid and anonymous detection of patient vaccination…  read on >

Rising obesity rates worldwide may be contributing to the climate crisis, researchers report. “Our analysis suggests that, in addition to beneficial effects on morbidity, mortality and health care costs, managing obesity can favorably affect the environment as well,” said study corresponding author Faidon Magkos, from the department of nutrition, exercise and sports at the University…  read on >

Flying with a small child can be dangerous without the proper equipment, especially if the ride gets bumpy. Holding your little one in your arms during turbulence is not safe. If you’re taking a child under 40 pounds on a plane, USAGov urges you to keep your child safe in a government-approved car seat or…  read on >

For folks with weak vision, eyeglasses, contact lenses, medicine and surgery may improve sight, says the National Eye Institute. Difficulty reading, matching colors and recognizing faces are common signs of weak vision. If you have vision loss, the institute stresses the need for a support team. Having a primary eye care professional and an optometrist…  read on >

Australian researchers are sounding the alarm over cases of a highly infectious intestinal illness that appear to be resistant to all forms of standard oral antibiotic treatment. The disease is called shigellosis, a form of dysentery. So far, most cases have involved gay and bisexual men in the Australian state of Victoria, the researchers said.…  read on >

Long hours spent working will do no favors for your blood pressure, a new Canadian study suggests. The five-year study tracked the working hours and blood pressure readings of 3,500 white-collar workers at three public institutions in the province of Quebec. Compared to those who worked less than 35 hours a week, those who worked…  read on >

Healthier eating could save the United States more than $50 billion a year in health care costs associated with heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and related illnesses, according to a new study. An unhealthy diet is one of the leading risk factors for poor health and accounts for up to 45% of all deaths…  read on >