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When people are breathing cleaner air, their health generally improves — rapidly, in some cases, a new review shows. The report, from the Environmental Committee of the Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS), details some of the evidence on air quality and human health. Overall, it concludes, people can reap a range of benefits when…  read on >

About 4 percent of adults have attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), says Harvard University Medical School. Adults with ADHD tend to have more difficulty with attention and memory, rather than with hyperactivity, as with children. To help manage ADHD in adults, the school suggests: Consider medications such as stimulants, non stimulants and antidepressants. Learn more about…  read on >

Arguing with a partner or feeling anxious about meeting the in-laws can induce stress. When these strains are intense or prolonged, your heart can suffer, says Johns Hopkins Medicine. The school mentions these healthier ways to deal with relationship stress: Discuss life stresses with your doctor. Check if your coping strategies are healthy. Find stress…  read on >

Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death and a leading cause of disability in the United States, says the American Stroke Association. The association mentions these warning signs: Face drooping. Is the person’s smile uneven or lopsided? Arm weakness. Is one arm weak or numb? Speech. Is speech slurred or hard to understand? Additional…  read on >

Starting a new exercise or increasing the intensity of physical activity may leave you with sore muscles, says the American Academy of Family Physicians. To minimize the soreness you feel, the academy suggests: Warm up your muscles before exercise. Drink water to loosen your joints. Rest your muscles two days before working them again. Use…  read on >

In a sign that suggests medical marijuana is being used for more than medicinal purposes, a new study finds young adults who are heavy pot users are more likely to seek medical marijuana cards. In fact, they were more likely to do so than those with physical or mental health conditions who could benefit from…  read on >

A small, preliminary study suggests that a brain area called the hypothalamus appears to be about 6% smaller in women who use birth control pills. But exactly what that means isn’t yet clear. In this study, women on the pill had statistically significant increases in anger. Researchers also found a possible link with depression symptoms.…  read on >

Rising levels of cholesterol among young adults is strongly tied to long-term odds for the number one killer, heart disease, a new study finds. The new global study involved data on more than 400,000 people from 38 different trials. Their health was tracked for an average of more than 13 years, but some were followed…  read on >

Breathing exercises can help you relax and manage stress, says the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine. The center suggests using the 4-7-8 breath exercise: Exhale completely through your mouth. Close your mouth and inhale through your nose to a mental count of 4. Hold your breath for a count of 7. Exhale through your mouth…  read on >

American ginseng is an herb that people take by mouth as a stimulant, to reduce stress, or to boost the immune system, says MedlinePlus. American ginseng has different medicinal effects from the Siberian and Asian varieties. Here’s what MedlinePlus says about American ginseng: Side effects may include diarrhea, itching, insomnia, headache and nervousness. Never take…  read on >