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Infants need a balance of nutrients to grow properly and be healthy, says the American Academy of Pediatrics. Although homemade formulas may seem healthy or inexpensive, they may not meet your baby’s nutritional needs. The academy mentions some do’s and don’ts of homemade baby formula: Do choose recipes that have been reviewed by the U.S.…  read on >

When it comes to sculpting a better booty, here’s the bottom line: You need to strengthen your glutes. And more than giving these muscles a toned look, working them also improves the mobility of your hips, helps stabilize your core and eases lower back pain. Here are three to add to your repertoire. Pulsing Squats:…  read on >

From Halloween through New Year’s, holiday weight gain affects people the world over and, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, it can happen with any major holiday, not just the winter ones. As you might know firsthand, it’s a lot harder to lose that weight than to put it…  read on >

Getting more exercise could help ward off depression, even if you have a genetic risk for it, new research shows. For the study, researchers analyzed data from nearly 8,000 people and found that those with a genetic predisposition were more likely to be diagnosed with depression over the next two years. But that was less…  read on >

Just 10 minutes of exercise a day appears to sharpen mental prowess, new research suggests. “Getting off the couch and walking a block can help keep you on the right track,” said study author Nicole Spartano, a research assistant professor at Boston University School of Medicine. Her team looked 2,770 participants in the Framingham Heart…  read on >

If jewelry causes your skin to itch, you may be allergic to nickel, says Winchester Hospital. Nickel is a silvery-white metal that is used to make a range of products, including zippers, buttons and costume jewelry. Winchester Hospital recommends these solutions: Stick to sterling silver or 14-karat gold. Wear stainless steel or hypo-allergenic jewelry. Keep…  read on >

For people with diabetes, maintaining blood sugar may become easier with healthier snacking, says the University of Michigan Comprehensive Diabetes Center. Snacks with 15 to 30 grams of carbs and snacks containing less than 150 calories typically are good options. For people with diabetes, the school recommends: An apple with a bit of peanut butter.…  read on >

Want to have your cake and eat nutritiously, too? You can do both if you lighten up your baking. The typical buttery layer cake may taste good, but its main ingredient is white flour, which is basically devoid of nutrition. Using almonds and coconut in place of flour packs in nutrients like fiber, vitamins E,…  read on >

Making the decision to live healthier often involves important steps such as losing weight and exercising more. These are significant goals and everyday lifestyle habits that you should commit to. But there’s another type of “makeover” that can benefit you in equally important ways. That’s changing your general outlook on life by boosting positivity. This…  read on >

If you’re an obese heart patient, weight-loss surgery might be good medicine for you. New research suggests it significantly reduces the risk of heart failure and fatal heart attack in this vulnerable group. “Our findings suggest, for the first time, that bariatric [weight-loss] surgery can prevent the development of systolic heart failure and remarkably reduce…  read on >