All Sauce from Weekly Sauce:

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial tube lining, says Mayo Clinic. People who have bronchitis often cough up thick, discolored mucus. Though complications are rare, bronchitis can lead to pneumonia in some people. To help prevent bronchitis, Mayo suggests: Avoid cigarette smoke. Get vaccinated for flu. Wash your hands regularly. Mayo also reminds people…  read on >

Time-outs don’t increase kids’ risk of emotional or behavioral problems, according to a new study that researchers say dispels misleading information. The study included the children of nearly 1,400 U.S. parents. Of those parents, 28% said they used time-outs when their child was 3 years old. From age 3 through fifth-grade, there were no differences…  read on >

Teens enjoy the freedom of driving with friends, but parents worry about potential distractions. More than half of U.S. parents in a new nationwide poll say their child has most likely been a passenger of a distracted teen driver. The most worrisome distractions are loud music (46%), a cellphone (42%) or other teen passengers (39%),…  read on >

Tired of taking the same old cardio class? It’s time to explore some of the combination classes being offered at both large gyms and small, more personalized fitness centers. One of the most popular options is the multi-discipline class — two or more activities woven into the same workout session, designed to keep fitness fun…  read on >

This year, when the gang comes over to watch football, score big with these healthy treats. Rich and creamy onion dip with chips is a favorite and so easy to make by mixing sour cream into a flavor packet. But most dip mixes are loaded with MSG, sodium and artificial flavors, plus they have zero…  read on >

As terrified as you might be of a possible cancer diagnosis from your doctor, a new study warns that you still need to keep your appointment. Why? Patients who blow off appointments for cancer symptoms are 12% more likely to die within a year of diagnosis, British researchers report. Those most likely to skip appointments…  read on >

More than 750,000 people have a stroke each year in the United States, says Cleveland Clinic. But as many as half of all strokes are preventable, the clinic says. Risk factors that are under all or partial control include: High blood pressure. Smoking. High cholesterol. Excessive alcohol consumption. Being overweight. The clinic reminds us that…  read on >

An important part of hurricane readiness is collecting supplies that will help keep your family safe, says the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Before a hurricane, the CDC suggests that you: Prepare an emergency water supply. Prepare emergency food and medicine supplies. Gather a flashlight and first aid kit. Gather personal care products,…  read on >

When you get the urge for a snack, you might not think that a slice of turkey can have the same lip-smacking effect as a handful of chips. But scientists have known for some time that protein is the most efficient nutrient for not only quickly satisfying hunger, but also for keeping you feeling satisfied…  read on >

If you’re overweight but have dodged chronic health issues like high cholesterol and high blood pressure, you might not think that losing weight is a priority. But an analysis of five years of records on 3.5 million people — underweight, normal weight, overweight and obese — has found reason for concern. The researchers discovered that…  read on >