All Sauce from Weekly Sauce:

From a fall to an auto accident, many activities can lead to a dislocation, says Mayo Clinic. Dislocations happen when the ends of your bones are removed from their normal positions. If you believe you have a dislocated joint, seek medical care immediately. Until getting help, splint the joint into a fixed position. Do not…  read on >

Using “synthetic pot” is rolling the dice with your health, experts warn, pointing to a healthy 26-year-old woman who ended up in the ER after smoking a batch laced with rat poison. Synthetic pot is created in a lab. It’s supposed to safely mimic marijuana by targeting the same cannabinoid receptors as the real thing.…  read on >

Do you love restaurant-style scallops but feel nervous about making them at home? Here’s the 101 to cooking the perfect scallop every time. The trick to creating tasty scallop dishes is to choose “dry” scallops — these aren’t treated with phosphates, which can give them an off-taste and make them stringy when cooked. Scallops pair…  read on >

Developing core strength is essential for fitness and overall health, but it doesn’t have to be a drudge. If you’re ready to go beyond crunches — or never liked them to begin with! — consider these moves that target the muscles in your torso and spine. The Advanced Bird Dog: Begin on your hands and…  read on >

Your lunch leftovers are doing no favors for urban birds’ hearts, new research shows. Fatty food scraps may be boosting the cholesterol levels of crows in U.S. cities, but whether it’s a threat to their health isn’t clear. A team from Hamilton College in Clinton, N.Y., analyzed blood cholesterol levels of 140 crow nestlings in…  read on >

E-cigarettes are enticing enough to young people with their fruit flavors and slick smoking devices, but new research suggests that marketing in retail stores may also encourage some teenagers to take up vaping. Researchers found that teens who recalled seeing in-store marketing were twice as likely to start vaping over the next couple years. A…  read on >

Thousands of vehicle crashes occur in parking lots and garages annually, says the National Safety Council. Around the holidays in particular, parking lots become even more dangerous. To stay safer in a parking lot, the council recommends: Stay in your lane. Avoid cutting across the lot. Drive slowly and use directional signals. Anticipate the actions…  read on >

Tearing a nail from the nail bed can be very painful. From infection to a jam, nail separation can have a variety of causes, says the University of Wisconsin. To treat a torn nail, the school suggests: Trim or file any sharp edges. Trim off the detached part of a large tear. Soak your finger…  read on >

A quirk in quality testing could mean that pot-laced chocolates are more potent than their label indicates, researchers report. Many states that allow the sale of marijuana-infused edibles — gummy bears, cookies and chocolates — require package labeling that shows the products’ level of THC, the compound that gets you high. But potency testing on…  read on >