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The chills refers to an episode of shivering, along with paleness and feeling cold. Most commonly, the chills are associated with fever, says Mount Sinai Hospital. They are the body’s way of producing heat when it feels cold. To treat the chills at home, Mount Sinai recommends: Drink lots of fluids and get plenty of…  read on >

A chronic cough is defined as one that lasts more than eight weeks, says Cleveland Clinic. The clinic mentions a few treatment options: For pneumonia or bronchitis, antibiotics such as Azithrocin and Ceftin may be prescribed. For post-nasal drip, an over-the-counter decongestant can relieve symptoms. For severe chronic cough, a suppressant such as codeine may…  read on >

As extreme heat events become more common, you need to know how to protect your heart. Hot temperatures and high humidity can lead to dehydration, which causes the heart to work harder and puts it at risk, according to the American Heart Association (AHA). Staying hydrated makes it easier for the heart to pump blood…  read on >

Family meals are a recipe for healthy eating in kids, nutritionists say. “Research shows that families who regularly dine together are more likely to eat more fruits, vegetables and fiber and are less likely to eat fried foods,” said Kristen Gradney, a dietitian nutritionist and spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “Eating together…  read on >

No one looks forward to a colonoscopy, but it can save your life. So you might be wondering whether a home test is a good alternative. These tests involve mailing a stool sample to a lab. Older types of tests check for blood, which could signal a cancerous growth. Precancerous polyps are harder to find…  read on >

Although colonoscopy screens for cancer, it can also uncover a common condition called diverticulosis. This is when one or more pockets develop in the colon wall, often in the large bowel. These pockets occur over time, possibly from not getting enough fiber in your diet or eating too much red meat. They’re so common that…  read on >

Parts of the United States that raised the legal age to buy tobacco from 18 to 21 have seen significant reductions in cigarette smoking among young adults. Compared to other regions, those with tobacco-21 laws had a 39% decline in regular smoking among 18- to 20-year-olds who had previously experimented with cigarettes, a new study…  read on >

As the CBD craze sweeps the nation, some users may wonder whether the cannabis extract can make them fail a drug test. A preliminary study suggests the answer is “no” — at least if the CBD is pure. Researchers found that CBD, or cannabidiol, did not react with either of two commercially available tests used…  read on >

For older adults, being tired here and there may be common, says the National Institute on Aging. Illness, medication, emotional distress, poor sleep habits, alcohol and junk food are some of the many possible causes of fatigue. To feel less tired, the agency suggests that older adults: Keep a fatigue diary to find patterns. Exercise…  read on >

Anemia is a blood disorder characterized by a shortage of either red blood cells or hemoglobin. It can leave people feeling frequently exhausted and sluggish, says the National Institutes of Health (NIH). To prevent or counter anemia, people must get enough iron. Eating a balanced diet or taking dietary supplements are the simplest ways to…  read on >