All Sauce from Weekly Sauce:

Most folks know that sugary drinks aren’t healthy, but a new study finds fruit juices are not much better. In fact, consuming them regularly may help shorten your life, researchers say. “Older adults who drink more sugary beverages, which include fruit juice as well as sodas and other sugar-sweetened beverages, may be at risk of…  read on >

You know the scenario — your child has a meltdown, leaving you frustrated, embarrassed and arguing even though your brain says it’s a battle you’re not likely to win. Tantrums often start during the “terrible 2’s” because little ones can’t yet clearly voice their frustrations. But it’s never too late to correct the behavior, even…  read on >

Whether you have a dedicated space in an outdoor garden or just a few buckets on a small patio, there’s nothing quite like having your own herb garden for giving your cooking fresh flavor boosts. But what if you live in an apartment or in a cold climate that can’t sustain outdoor herbs in the…  read on >

Athletes are supposed to be strong and self-assured, so many don’t seek help for mental health issues, a new study finds. It’s not just the stigma of mental illness that prompts many to tough it out alone, but also busy schedules, gender stereotyping and lack of understanding about mental health issues. That’s the consensus of…  read on >

The rise in colon cases among younger adults that’s been seen in the United States is also occurring in wealthier nations worldwide, new research shows. In the decade leading up to 2014, the number of cases of colon cancer among people under 50 increased by 3% a year in Denmark, New Zealand, Australia and Canada,…  read on >

Hypnosis might sound like a magic trick to some, but the therapy can be an effective pain reliever, a new review shows. The review covered 85 studies that have tested hypnosis for easing “experimental models” of pain — that is, lab studies where brave volunteers agreed to be subjected to a painful stimulus. And overall,…  read on >

A helmet can prevent someone from a serious head injury, says the New York State Department of Health. Some states even require people, especially children, to wear helmets while biking or skateboarding. The Department of Health encourages parents to: Select a helmet that meets Consumer Product Safety Commission standards. Make sure your child wears a…  read on >

Clues about your child’s physical development can be found in the way the child moves and plays, says the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. By the age of 1, the CDC says most children can: Get into a sitting position without help. Walk while holding on to furniture. Take a few steps without…  read on >

Taking a day off from a favorite exercise doesn’t mean spending the time sitting on the couch. In fact, getting some R&R has a special meaning when it comes to exercise: Rest and recovery. Recovery is everything that happens after the end of one workout and before the start of the next. Whether you’re talking…  read on >

Ounce for ounce and calorie for calorie, leafy greens and other types of vegetables are the hands-down favorites for delivering on nutrients. But many fruits should also have a place at the table. Researchers looked at the most nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables to see which provided meaningful amounts of B vitamins including thiamin, riboflavin, niacin,…  read on >