All Sauce from Weekly Sauce:

Cannabidiol (CBD) has been receiving a lot of attention lately as a potential treatment for everything from epilepsy to anxiety. Now, researchers report it might also help curb the cravings that come with opioid addiction. Like marijuana, CBD comes from the cannabis plant. Unlike pot, it does not produce a high. The study included 42…  read on >

Relationships are a necessary part of healthy living. Though no relationship is perfect, an unhealthy relationship can cause discomfort and harm, says the University of Washington. The school mentions signs of an unhealthy relationship: Neglecting yourself or your partner. Feeling pressure to change who you are or quit activities you enjoy. Frequently feeling the need…  read on >

Most beach rescues performed by lifeguards are caused by rip currents — strong currents that can pull swimmers under, says the American Red Cross. Rip currents can form in any large open area and can be dangerous. To escape a rip current, the Red Cross offers advice: Stay calm and don’t fight it. Either float…  read on >

The guidelines to eat more vegetables are clear, and eating a rainbow of colors gets you the widest variety of nutrients and phyto-nutrients, those hard-to-duplicate compounds that go beyond vitamins and minerals. But whether you’re at the farmers’ market or choosing a side dish at a restaurant, are some vegetables better than others? A research…  read on >

There’s a lot you can learn from your elders, starting with the results of a multi-year study of exercise and brain health in seniors. Researchers from Columbia University and the University of Miami compared results of two sets of brain scans and tests measuring memory and thinking skills in 876 seniors. The tests were done…  read on >

(HealthDay News) — Many American kids don’t don helmets when biking, skateboarding and riding scooters, a troubling new poll finds. Among more than 1,300 parents surveyed, 18% said their kids never wear helmets while biking, 58% said their kids don’t wear helmets while skateboarding, and 61% said their children don’t wear helmets when riding scooters,…  read on >

Just a few extra pounds during adolescence may translate into higher odds for heart disease in adulthood, a new study of young men suggests. It included about 1.7 million Swedish men who began military service at ages 18 or 19 between 1969 and 2005. They were followed for up to 46 years. During the follow-up,…  read on >

Parents often fret when their teen drivers get behind the wheel, but parents of teens with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may now have added worries. A new study found that teens with ADHD are significantly more likely to get into a car crash than their peers. During the first month a teen with ADHD is driving,…  read on >

(HealthDay News) –Bed bugs hitchhike from place to place by traveling on furniture, bedding, luggage and more. The small nuisances live on the blood of animals or humans and can be quite resilient, says the Environmental Protection Agency. To help prevent bed bugs in your home, the EPA suggests: Check secondhand furniture for bed bugs…  read on >