All Sauce from Weekly Sauce:

Another reason breast is best: Breast milk boosts levels of chemicals crucial for brain growth and development in premature babies with a very low birth weight, a new study reveals. “Our previous research established that vulnerable preterm infants who are fed breast milk early in life have improved brain growth and neurodevelopmental outcomes,” said Catherine…  read on >

Playing team sports is a great way to teach kids life lessons about leadership, teamwork and how to socialize with peers. Sports are also a great way to build self-esteem and gain physical skills. Most important, they’re fun. But too many — nearly three-quarters of young athletes — are specializing in just one activity as…  read on >

Smoothies make for a fast and filling breakfast or snack, but the bloom is off the rose when it comes to their health profile. Turns out that many store-bought smoothies are hidden havens for a crazy amount of calories, many coming not only from the natural sugar in the fruit but also from added sweeteners.…  read on >

For veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) combined with a drinking problem, the type of psychotherapy prescribed can make a difference in recovery rates, a new study finds. So-called prolonged exposure therapy is more effective than coping skills therapy in helping these patients, according to researchers at the VA San Diego Healthcare System. “The main…  read on >

Being bullied as a youngster may lead to lifelong struggles in adulthood. New research warns that victims of teenage bullying face a 40% greater risk for mental health problems by the time they hit their mid-20s. Young adults with a history of adolescent bullying may also see their odds for unemployment spike by 35%, investigators…  read on >

The idea behind immunotherapy for peanut allergy is appealing in its simplicity: Ask a patient to eat tiny amounts of peanut every day, and over time their immune system will become desensitized to it. Unfortunately, this cure might be doing more harm than the allergy itself, a new evidence review suggests. People who undergo immunotherapy…  read on >

As millions of pet owners in America can attest, pets can make a great addition to your family. But it’s important to know that some people foods could harm a furry friend, says the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Toxic-to-pet foods can include, but are not limited to: Alcohol. Avocado. Chocolate…  read on >

Zesty ginger is more than just a great way to dress up your favorite recipes. It contains a potent immunity booster — its active compound gingerol is an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory compound. Ginger is also a source of vitamin C and the minerals potassium and magnesium. Ginger root is inexpensive and easy to find in…  read on >

Having sex after a heart attack is a concern not only for men, but for many women, too. Because of fear and a lack of information, many may think it’s no longer possible to enjoy a sex life. Fortunately, that’s rarely the case. However, while many women do resume their sex lives within months after…  read on >

A boy who wondered if snakes flick their tongues to smell prompted a surprising new discovery about how human senses work. Turns out your tongue helps you smell, according to researchers at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia — a team that included the curious 12-year-old’s dad. Taste and smell had been thought to…  read on >