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Money worries may contribute to heart disease in black Americans, a new study suggests. “Stress is known to contribute to disease risk, but the data from our study suggest a possible relationship between financial stress and heart disease that clinicians should be aware of as we research and develop interventions to address social determinants of…  read on >

As if the opioid crisis wasn’t already bad enough, new research shows a sharp rise in the number of Americans taking dangerous combinations of opioids and sedatives. These sedatives, known as benzodiazepines, are prescribed for pain, insomnia and anxiety. And another class of similar medications, called Z-drugs, are also being taken with sedatives at alarming…  read on >

Nearly 25 percent of antibiotics prescribed in the United States are given for conditions they aren’t meant to treat, a new study finds. Antibiotics are miracle drugs that can cure deadly bacterial infections. But too often they are given to treat viral infections, such as colds and flu, for which they are ineffective. And the…  read on >

The most common genetic disorder among northern Europeans — called hemochromatosis — occurs more often than previously thought, according to a new study. The researchers also found that people with the condition often develop serious health problems. People with hemochromatosis — a build-up of iron in the body that can damage the liver, heart and…  read on >

A key to successful dieting is to enjoy your food more, while eating less, the U.S. Department of Agriculture says. Your meals should include all of the food groups while limiting sugar, salt and saturated fat, the agency says. The USDA offers these additional suggestions: Learn the ingredients in all foods and beverages you consume,…  read on >

More than 70 percent of U.S. adults are overweight or obese, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases says. Are you one of them? Before starting a weight loss plan, you should visit your doctor. The first questions to consider are: How can I change my eating habits so I can reach…  read on >

Not every budding musician will become a rock star, but studying music has brain bonuses for kids, even those who don’t take up an instrument until their teen years. There’s no doubt that participation in in-school music programs boosts motivation. Mastering an instrument or performing with a group brings a sense of accomplishment and is…  read on >

Most people know how important recycling is for a healthier environment, yet a survey by the Pew Research Center showed that Americans may not always put that knowledge into practice. Though most people in the United States have access to recycling programs, the rules and practices vary within states and even within communities. Only 28…  read on >

U.S. dermatologists are prescribing fewer antibiotics overall but are writing more short-term orders for the drugs, a new study finds. Dermatologists prescribe more antibiotics per doctor than any other medical specialty — more than 7.1 million prescriptions per year, the University of Pennsylvania researchers said. According to their analysis of 2008-2016 data from privately insured…  read on >