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There could be an added bonus to keeping your cardiovascular health on track — a heart-healthy lifestyle can also prevent type 2 diabetes, researchers say. And it’s better to prevent type 2 diabetes than to have to treat it, the Ohio State University researchers added. “Healthy people need to work to stay healthy. Follow the…  read on >

Carrying extra pounds isn’t just bad for humans: New research indicates dogs’ lives may be significantly shorter if they’re overweight. The study, which evaluated data from more than 50,000 dogs across 12 of the most popular breeds, found that the life span of overweight dogs was up to 2.5 years shorter than that of normal-weight…  read on >

The foods you eat and drink during childhood will impact the strength of your bones as you age, the Nemours Foundation says. Most of your bone density stems from what you eat and drink as children and teens, says Nemours, which notes the process is virtually finished when a person reaches age 20. As adults,…  read on >

You should never ignore a change in skin color, especially if you have cancer, the American Cancer Society says. A change in skin color typically means something’s wrong in the body. In people with cancer, it can be due to factors including tumor growth, sun exposure or a side effect of treatment, the society says.…  read on >

For many people struggling with weight, an underlying reason for the excess pounds is the habit of using food to soothe bad feelings and reward good behavior. To lose weight, turn that habit on its ear. Incentives can help motivate you in many areas, including your diet, but your incentive can’t be food. Small, non-food…  read on >

To support your hip joints, you need to strengthen the muscles that support them. This can help prevent or relieve hip pain and guard against injury. Appropriate exercises target muscles of the thighs and the glutes. Here are three to add to your fitness regimen. Note: Before conditioning, always warm up with five to 10…  read on >

Nearly all TV food ads aimed at Hispanic and black children in the United States are for unhealthy products, a new report claims. In 2017, black teens saw more than twice as many ads for unhealthy food products as white teens, researchers found. “Food companies have introduced healthier products and established corporate responsibility programs to…  read on >

Take a stand for a longer life. Researchers say even a few extra minutes off the sofa each day can add years to your life span. “If you have a job or lifestyle that involves a lot of sitting, you can lower your risk of early death by moving more often, for as long as…  read on >

Today’s teens are better at using birth control when they first become sexually active, but many unexpected pregnancies still occur, new research finds. Teens who didn’t use birth control during their first month of sexual activity faced nearly a fourfold increase in the risk of an unwanted pregnancy within three months, the study found. “Our…  read on >