All Sauce from Weekly Sauce:

Children should be taught how to wash their hair without damaging it, the American Academy of Dermatology says. Improper washing can damage the hair and even lead to hair loss, the academy adds. It offers these suggestions for proper hair washing: Wet hair and scalp with warm water. Shampoo works best on wet hair. Pour…  read on >

A “low-energy-dense food diet” sounds like just another weight loss fad, but it’s an approach with decades of research behind it. The concept is simple: Eat more foods with a higher water content to get more volume for fewer calories. Energy density is simply the amount of energy — or calories — in a gram…  read on >

A state-of-the-art home gym might not just be beyond the scope of your budget, it also might be beyond the scope of available space. But don’t rule out this convenient fitness option so fast. According to the American Council on Exercise, if you can clear a 6-foot by 6-foot area for working out, you can…  read on >

Traveling on vacation or for business shouldn’t interfere with getting enough exercise, the U.S. National Institute on Aging advises. Here are the agency’s suggestions for staying in shape while away from home: Pack your workout clothing and shoes. If you’re traveling by car, stop frequently along the way to stretch or walk around. This will…  read on >

Adenoids are a patch of tissue that are located high in the throat just behind the nose, the National Library of Medicine says. Along with the tonsils, they’re part of the body’s lymphatic system that’s responsible for inhibiting infections and keeping bodily fluids in balance. By age 5, the adenoids begin to shrink. By the…  read on >

With concerns about overfishing, it’s shocking to learn that 40 percent of the edible U.S. seafood supply is lost or wasted every year — and half of that is by consumers. That’s not only money down the drain, but also a loss of valuable nutrients like protein and omega-3 fatty acids. To cut waste, calculate…  read on >

We know that early learning can set up a child for success. A study done by researchers at Penn State University found out just how early that learning should start — by age 2. For this study, parents filled out surveys about how many words their 2-year-olds knew, and then the researchers checked in with…  read on >

After having a stroke, heart attack or cardiac arrest, people are less likely to be employed than their healthy peers, new research shows. Even if they are working, they may earn significantly less than people who haven’t had a stroke or heart event, the investigators found. Although the majority of people who have one of…  read on >

Losing a job or taking a big pay cut is hard on more than just your checkbook — it might drastically increase your risk of heart attack, stroke, heart failure or death. A new study finds that people who endure large swings in income over the years are much more likely to develop heart disease…  read on >