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The scourge of opioid addiction and related deaths cut through American society again in 2018, capturing headlines and making it the year’s top health story. Rates of opioid-linked fatal overdoses have nearly doubled over the past decade and topped 70,000 in 2017, according to data released in November by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control…  read on >

If you are caring for a loved one who has Alzheimer’s disease, you may develop feelings of grief as the person starts to change, the Alzheimer’s Foundation says. There are five phases of grieving: denial, anger, guilt, sadness and acceptance. The association suggests how to cope with grief and loss: Face your feelings and accept…  read on >

A change in your nails may be no cause for concern, but certain changes should be taken seriously, the American Academy of Dermatology says. The academy suggests visiting a dermatologist at the first sign of: A dark streak. This could be a sign of melanoma skin cancer. A nail lifting up. This could be a…  read on >

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of disorders that signal a person’s increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and stroke, the American Heart Association says. Symptoms may include high blood pressure, high fasting blood glucose, high cholesterol and abdominal obesity. Metabolic syndrome is commonly associated with being overweight, lack of physical activity and advanced age. Source:…  read on >

When you’re looking for a new doctor, find someone you feel comfortable talking with, the U.S. National Institute on Aging suggests. The agency offers these additional tips: Locate several doctors who meet your criteria. Read online reviews to understand how existing patients rate each doctor. Call each doctor’s office and speak with the staff to…  read on >

When the 2015 U.S. Dietary Guidelines were released, they included details for following the Mediterranean-style diet. That’s the way of eating in countries that border the Mediterranean Sea and has been associated with many health benefits, from a sharper mind to a healthier heart. The eating plan includes more fruit and seafood and less dairy…  read on >

Flexibility is a component of all types of movement — from everyday activities to the most rigorous exercises. Being flexible helps you stay mobile and avoid injury. Yet flexibility training often gets lost in the shuffle or pushed to the bottom of the list after cardio and strength training. Its goal is to increase your…  read on >

Many people rely on chicken noodle soup to soothe a cold, but few know exactly why the warm broth brings relief. But one dietitian can explain its magic. “Studies have shown that a hearty bowl of chicken noodle soup may help clear nasal congestion and ease cold symptoms,” said Sandy Allonen, a clinical dietitian at…  read on >

For common birthmarks, doctors should abandon the traditional wait-and-see approach, a leading group of pediatricians says. Instead, physicians should try to identify those that could cause scarring or medical problems and begin immediate treatment, according to a new American Academy of Pediatrics guideline. Infantile hemangiomas are bright red or bruise-like birthmarks that appear shortly after…  read on >

Movies, the theater and other cultural events can help you fight the blues as you age. And the more you go, the less depressed you’ll be, new research suggests. The British study showed that older folks can cut their depression risk by 32 percent simply by going to cultural activities every few months. And if…  read on >