Melanoma skin cancer death rates in men are on the rise in most countries, but are stable or declining for women in some, according to a new study. Researchers analyzed World Health Organization data from 33 countries between 1985 and 2015. Melanoma death rates in men were increasing in all but one nation. In all… read on >
A little about: Weekly Sauce
All Sauce from Weekly Sauce:
A Childhood Full of Happy Memories Might Benefit Your Health Today
Childhood memories of good connections with your parents can benefit your physical and mental health, according to new research. The study found that older adults with fond recollections of early relationships with their parents were more likely to have better health, fewer chronic illnesses and a lower risk of depression. Researchers analyzed two databases that… read on >
Why Bystanders Are Less Likely to Give CPR to Women
Some bystanders may avoid performing CPR on women because they fear hurting them, or even being accused of sexual assault, preliminary research suggests. In two new studies, researchers tried to dig deeper into a puzzling pattern that has been seen in past research: Women are less likely than men to receive bystander CPR if they… read on >
A Single Energy Drink Might Harm Blood Vessels: Study
Caffeine-laden energy drinks are popular, but they might make your blood vessels less efficient, a small study suggests. These drinks — sold as Monster and Red Bull, to name two — have been linked to heart, nerve and stomach problems, researchers say. “A lot of young kids use energy drinks when they exercise, a time… read on >
Noisy Neighborhood? Your Heart May Pay a Price
Living in noise-saturated neighborhoods might be more than simply annoying, with new research suggesting it seems to raise the risk for serious heart problems. Chronic noise from traffic and airports appears to trigger the amygdala, a brain region critically involved in stress regulation, brain scans have revealed. Noise is also associated with increased inflammation of… read on >
More Americans Are Raising Their Grandkids
More than 3 million older Americans are now raising their grandchildren as their own, even as they struggle with health problems and financial stresses, a new survey shows. Not only that, the children they take in are more likely to be troubled as they struggle to adjust to new lives, the researchers found. Still, these… read on >
Health Tip: What Causes a Chronic Cough
Coughing serves an important purpose — to help you expel mucus, microbes and other foreign particles from your respiratory tract. This helps protect the lungs from infection and inflammation, Harvard Medical School says. A cough becomes chronic if it lingers for at least three to eight weeks, the school adds. Its list of reasons for… read on >
Health Tip: If Your Child Develops a Fever
While a fever generally is not something to be overly concerned about, some cases require a doctor’s intervention, the Nemours Foundation says. Triggers of may fever include an infection, overdressing (particularly newborns) and immunizations. A high fever should be treated without delay to prevent discomfort and possible dehydration, Nemours says. If — despite a fever… read on >
Soft Furniture No Cushion Against Falls for Young Kids
It’s a scene played out in many homes across America — parents place their baby on a bed or sofa, thinking the child is safe while Mom or Dad slips away for a few moments. But new research finds that falls from beds and sofas pose a greater risk to children than many parents believe.… read on >
Sleep May Speed Kids’ Recovery From Concussion
Good sleep helps speed young athletes recover from a concussion, a new study reports. The study included 356 athletes from Texas, age 19 and younger, who suffered a sports-related concussion. At their first clinic visit, 73 percent of the athletes had good sleep quality and 27 percent had poor sleep quality. Those with good sleep… read on >