All Sauce from Weekly Sauce:

Memo to Mom and Dad: Rein in your screen time. That’s one of the things that kids say they’d like to tell their parents, according to a survey on families’ technology rules and expectations. To better understand the tug of war between parents and children over their electronic gadgets, researchers from the University of Michigan…  read on >

People struggling with COPD might find some relief in an ancient art. The centuries-old practice of tai chi appears to boost the exercise capabilities and the quality of life of those with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a study from Chinese and British researchers suggests. COPD is a chronic, debilitating and largely incurable form of…  read on >

Staying physically fit can help ward off heart trouble, even if your genetics put you at higher risk for clogged arteries, a new, large study suggests. The researchers looked at nearly 500,000 middle-aged and older adults and found those with higher fitness levels were less likely to develop heart disease over six years. And that…  read on >

Parents who read to their infants and toddlers may help them develop skills that pay big dividends when they start school, a new study suggests. Specifically, reading aloud and pretend play may offset disruptive behaviors — such as hyperactivity and aggression — and improve attention, researchers found. “When you read with your child, it’s really…  read on >

Folks using online message boards to learn more about their heart implant should take any advice they come across with a grain of salt. Researchers report it’s as likely as not the guidance they find will be bogus. About half of the advice related to heart implants found on an anonymous online board was either…  read on >

If you are considering breast implants, you should be aware of potential risks, including breast pain and potential rupture of an implant, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration says. The FDA offers this information for women who are considering breast implants: Understand that breast implants may require future surgery. Review product labeling and the Summary…  read on >

Young baseball pitchers are at risk for overuse injuries, but there are ways to reduce that risk, a sports medicine expert says. “Pitching year-round, inadequate rest between seasons and pitching in multiple leagues all have been linked to an increase in elbow and arm injuries,” said Dr. Eric Makhni. He’s a physician and surgeon at…  read on >

When it comes to lowering high blood pressure, exercising is pretty much the last thing people want to do, a new survey shows. Much more preferable was popping a pill or sipping a cup of tea every day, the poll of 1,400 people found. The Yale researchers asked what treatment or intervention appealed the most,…  read on >

Imagine a world in black and white. That’s the plight of people with an extremely rare condition called blue cone monochromacy, an inherited eye disease that renders people unable to see color. But there’s a glimmer of hope for the one in every 100,000 people with the condition: Scientists report that gene therapy improved color…  read on >

Nearly everyone has a headache now and then. Most of the time, relief is just an over-the-counter pill away. Other times, learning ways to relax and relieve tension, or getting treatment for sinus infections can get rid of your headaches. Sometimes, though, headaches can warn of a serious health issue. High blood pressure, a stroke,…  read on >