All Sauce from Weekly Sauce:

Older adults are at increased risk for hypothermia, a dangerous drop in body temperature, the U.S. National Institute on Aging warns. This can be due to chronic health conditions or the use of certain medicines, including over-the-counter cold remedies. Hypothermia occurs when your core body temperature drops to 95 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. Warning signs…  read on >

The growing popularity of snowboarding and skiing has meant more injuries on the slopes, a new review shows. In 2015, more than 140,000 people were treated in U.S. hospitals, doctors’ offices and emergency rooms for skiing and snowboarding-related injuries, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Snowboarders are three times more likely than skiers…  read on >

Up to 75 percent of women experience PMS (premenstrual syndrome) with symptoms like anxiety, irritability and fatigue, health experts say. PMS is thought to be the result of a chain reaction that starts with the drop of the hormone progesterone near the end of every monthly cycle. In lab studies, an international team of researchers…  read on >

Increasing the number of trees in extremely large cities can lead to significant health and financial benefits, a new study claims. The researchers focused on 10 so-called mega-cities — those with at least 10 million people — on five continents. They included New York City, London and Mexico City. Nearly 10 percent of the world’s…  read on >

The flu is causing widespread misery across the United States this winter, but the American Lung Association says there are things you can do to avoid being felled by the virus. In what is being described as the worst flu season in years, 49 states are now experiencing widespread activity. So far, only Hawaii and…  read on >

About 1 in every 160 pregnancies in the United States ends in stillbirth. Now, a new study suggests many of these tragedies are “potentially” avoidable. With better prenatal and obstetric care, that stillbirth rate might improve, researchers say. “We found that about 25 percent of U.S. stillbirths were potentially preventable,” said study senior author Dr.…  read on >

Exercise helps more than just the waistline, and should be a part of every healthy person’s life, the National Library of Medicine says. According to the agency, exercise: Helps control your weight. Reduces your risk of heart disease by strengthening the heart and improving your circulation. Helps lower blood pressure and triglyceride levels. Helps your…  read on >

Many a new year’s resolution centers around living a healthier lifestyle. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests what you can do to succeed in your resolve: Make an appointment for acheck-up,vaccination orscreening. Regulardental and medical exams can find problems before symptoms emerge. Wash hands often with soap and water to prevent spreading…  read on >

You’ve gotta be kidding me. That’s gotta be fake. That’s the understandable first reaction of many to the viral phenomenon dubbed the “Tide Pod Challenge.” Sad to say, it’s real. Prompted by internet dares, dozens of U.S. teenagers in recent weeks have popped liquid laundry detergent packets from a variety of manufacturers into their mouths…  read on >

Depending on how you navigate the aisles, your local supermarket can be an obstacle course of temptations or a direct route to eating healthy. Start by carefully writing a detailed shopping list before you go, the experts at suggest. Planning out meals in advance can keep you focused on essentials. That means less chance…  read on >