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The American Red Cross says it responds to more than 64,000 disasters annually — mostly home fires. Every day, about seven people are killed and 36 people hurt in home fires. The organization’s goal is to cut these numbers by 25 percent by the year 2020. Here’s what you can do to help, the Red…  read on >

If you’re a member of the baby boom generation, don’t think you’re too old to exercise. On the contrary, it’s especially important for you to stay active, and even more so if you have a condition that threatens mobility, such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Exercise can give you more energy, help prevent chronic illnesses…  read on >

What if you could have your cake, eat it, too, and lose weight? A nutritional fad called CICO — short for “Calories In, Calories Out” — promises just that for those looking to shed some pounds. The pitch is straightforward: Eat whatever you want, junk food included, and still shrink your waistline — as long…  read on >

Men who have trouble conceiving may have the air they breathe to blame, a new study by Chinese researchers suggests. Microscopic particles in the air called particulate matter (PM2.5) may affect the quality of sperm, which in turn can make it difficult to fertilize a woman’s egg, the researchers said. PM2.5 stands for particulate matter…  read on >

Long-distance travel is worrisome enough. But add a child to the mix, and stress levels can only rise. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests how to make traveling with a child easier: Adjust your child’s sleep schedule a few days before departure to minimize jet lag. Once you arrive, encourage the child to play outside…  read on >

HealthDay News) — Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that’s triggered by the misperception that a person is overweight. This causes the person to eat less, triggering dangerous weight loss. People tend to develop anorexia in their teens or young adulthood. It is more common among females. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services…  read on >

Though foodborne illness can put a quick end to Thanksgiving festivities, that need not be the case, food safety experts say. That’s because ensuring that homemade holiday meals are not only delicious but germ-free is within the grasp of not just experienced chefs, but rookie cooks as well. Food safety starts while you’re grocery shopping…  read on >

Working up a good sweat when you exercise lets you know you’re working hard, but it’s also a sign that you’re losing water — water that needs to be replaced. Water not only regulates your body temperature, it also helps lubricate joints and transport nutrients. If you’re not properly hydrated, you won’t be able to…  read on >

Most American women would prefer to get a mammogram to screen for breast cancer every year rather than every two years, a new study finds. Currently, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends that women at average risk for breast cancer be screened every two years, beginning at age 50. The recommendation is based in…  read on >

Men who compete in triathlons could be putting their hearts at risk, a new study contends. The finding results from an examination of 55 male triathletes who averaged 44 years old, and 30 female triathletes, with an average age of 43. All participated in triathlons, which involve sequential endurance competitions of swimming, cycling and running.…  read on >