Nearly 2 of 3 young people using e-cigs load them with flavors such as bubble gum or gummy bear read on >
Nearly 2 of 3 young people using e-cigs load them with flavors such as bubble gum or gummy bear read on >
Students need an appropriate return to mental work, doctors say read on >
Unhealthy habits to break read on >
And be sure to have an escape plan
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Those who saw doctor three times after procedure had better blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels read on >
For every year of smoking a pack daily, there were 150 more mutations found in each lung cell read on >
Some will welcome extra hour of sleep, but others may struggle with depression during winter months read on >
Researchers suggest their bodies may respond differently than men after procedure read on >
Leading cancer and women’s health groups say probably not read on >
Here are common warning signs
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