All Sauce from Weekly Sauce:

Can you literally step away from depression? A new global review of data found that “increasing the number of daily steps, even at modest levels, was associated with a reduction in depressive symptoms.” The Spanish study found that up to a level of about 10,000 steps per day, the odds for depression decline as daily…  read on >  read on >

More young people around the world are falling prey to colon cancer, a new study shows. Colon cancer rates in young adults have risen in 27 out of 50 countries around the world, including the United States, researchers found. These rates among young adults are rising even as they’ve remained the same in middle-aged folks…  read on >  read on >

Close friendships are incredibly important to the mental health of middle-aged folks and seniors, a new study finds. Older adults with worse mental or physical health were twice as likely to say they don’t have any close friends, according to results from the University of Michigan National Poll on Healthy Aging. “With growing understanding of…  read on >  read on >

Air pollution could be harming the brain development of children before they are even born, a new study warns. A 10 parts-per-billion increase in ozone exposure during the second trimester of pregnancy was associated with a 55% increased risk of intellectual disability among children compared to their siblings, researchers found. “Ozone exposure during pregnancy is…  read on >  read on >

Have you been boozing more often than usual? A new blood test might be able to tell if you’re damaging your liver from too many beers, margaritas or belts of scotch, researchers report. A blood-borne byproduct of alcohol consumption called phosphatidylethanol (PEth) can give doctors a fair idea of how much liver scarring has occurred…  read on >  read on >