All Sauce from Weekly Sauce:

When thinking of people in high-risk jobs, hairdressers and beauticians don’t immediately come to mind. But cosmetologists have a much greater chance of developing ovarian cancer than the average woman, a new study reports. Specifically, working for a decade or more as a hairdresser, barber or beautician is associated with a threefold higher risk of…  read on >  read on >

Marijuana use during pregnancy may impact the baby’s brain development and long-term health, according to new research with monkeys. THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) — the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis — altered the placental and fetal epigenome in monkeys who were given THC edibles, researchers say. These modifications can cause changes that affect the way genes work.…  read on >  read on >

The couch potato life may not be a happy one. When older adults become more sedentary, their overall quality of life takes a hit, new research cautions. Sitting still is your enemy, the study suggests. Even slow walking can help improve your mental and physical health, say the British researchers who tracked more than 1,400…  read on >  read on >

Less than half of all children treated by emergency medical services receive the right amount of medication during out-of-hospital emergencies, a new study found. In some cases, these incorrect doses can have serious consequences. “If you don’t give the appropriate dose of the anti-seizure medication for a patient with an ongoing seizure, the seizure will…  read on >  read on >

Depression that arises after a head injury may be its own distinct condition — one that differs from traditional major depressive disorder, a new study suggests. Researchers found that people with post-concussion depression showed a unique pattern of activity in the brain circuitry involved in depression. This “picture” was different from depression unrelated to a…  read on >  read on >

Family game night can be more than just a fun time: New research suggests it may even help build some early math skills in young children. While past research has pointed to games as a way to enhance reading development and literacy, a new comprehensive review finds that number games like Monopoly, Othello, and Chutes…  read on >  read on >